Enrollment & Registration » Registration FAQ's

Registration FAQ's

I need an interpreter or a translation for a school document:
Please complete this request form. Many forms can be translated into any language through the widget at the top of the website. The school documents that have been translated for immediate download can be found on the Translations page.
What are the steps required to enroll a student?
  1. Create a PowerSchool account.
  2. Check the Registration Checklist for details on type of documentation that is acceptable. It is recommended that the required documents are gathered before filling out the registration form.
  3. Fill out and submit the registration form. 
*Please note, if you already have a PowerSchool account because of student(s) already in the district, use your existing login to access the registration form for the new student. For support with creating a parent account for Enrollment or for issues logging in with an existing account, please contact the Registration Office, [email protected].
How can I get the New Student Registration form?
Registration for the current school year can be found on the Registration Home Page.
*Please note, at certain points in the year enrollment is open for the current school year as well as the next school year. If you are uncertain about which form to use, please contact [email protected]. If you accidentally complete the incorrect year's form your record will be discarded and you will need to start over.

Who should complete the New Student Registration form?

Registration is required for new students coming to Arlington Public Schools, for Menotomy Preschool students moving to Kindergarten in the fall, and students who previously attended Arlington Public Schools and who are returning to the district. How do I register my student for Preschool?Details on Preschool Registration and the lottery brochure can be found on the Menotomy Preschool Website.  What if my child attended Menotomy Preschool, will I need to complete the New Student Registration?Yes, if your child is currently enrolled in the Preschool program at Menotomy, you are required to complete a New Student Registration form for Kindergarten.
Once you begin the form, after you identify your child as "Kindergarten Registration for Existing Menotomy Preschool Student" you will be prompted to complete an abbreviated or summarized version of the form for this year. 
I want to homeschool my child(ren). Who do I need to contact?
Please submit an application and notice of intent to pursue a program of homeschooling. For questions or updates to your application please email the Office of the Deputy Superintendent of Teaching and Learning at [email protected].  
My family lives in a "Buffer Zone". How will I find out my child's school assignment?
Students who live in buffer zones will be assigned to their school by the Superintendent. You will receive a notice of your buffer zone assignment through the enrollment department. To the extent possible, students will be assigned to their school of preference. If the primary selection was not chosen, parents will have the option to have their child placed on a waitlist for their preferred school. If there is more than one waitlist application on a particular date, the waitlist will be determined by the date of the registration and then by lottery. For more information on buffer zones, please visit this link.


I need information on homeschooling. Where can I learn more?


Does the application need to be completed in one sitting?
No. You are able to save and come back to the form to complete it at a later time.
Can I edit, make changes, or add to my registration form following submission?
Yes, you can access a pending registration through your enrollment portal. For instructions on how to edit forms, please click here. Please note, registration forms are locked for edits following Approval from the registration team. If you need to make any changes email [email protected]
What types of questions will be on the form?
Family names and contact information, emergency contacts, health questionnaires, student permissions, education history, and home language survey. 

Do I need to provide documentation?
Yes, you will need to provide supporting documentation to prove residence in Arlington, to verify your child(ren)'s age, and to acknowledge compliance with health regulations. Please refer to the Registration Checklist for acceptable documents. It is helpful to gather required documents before filling out the registration form.  
What types of files are accepted for these documents?
We can accept scanned files (PDF) or JPEG images. There are several PDF scanner apps available for free in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store if you do not have access to a scanner.  Please ensure that the information in the documents you provide are clear and legible.  If the documents are not clear, you may be asked to either rescan or provide another image of the documents.

What if I just moved into Arlington? What residency documents do you accept?
If you have just moved into Arlington and are unable to obtain a lease or a deed to your new place of residence, please contact [email protected].
If you have just moved into Arlington, most times you will not have access to a most recent electric bill of your new address.  Usually utility companies will provide you with a Letter of Confirmation of Services.  This letter will include your name and new address and the effective start date.  We can accept the letter of confirmation of services and a Proof of Residency from List B.  In the event that your utilities are covered under your lease/rental agreement, you can also provide a Letter of Confirmation of Services for a wireless internet service provider (i.e. Verizon, Comcast, RCN). This letter must include your name, new address and effective date.

For further questions on documentation that can be accepted if you just moved into Arlington, please contact the Registration Office at [email protected].

What if I would like to drop off my registration documents to the Registration Office?
You are welcome to bring your registration documents to the Registration Office. We are located in
the Welcome Center in the Central Administrative Office at 
14 Mill Brook Drive, Arlington, MA 02476
We strongly recommend that you provide copies of original documents, but if you are unable to do so please make sure that our team is aware that you have submitted originals. Originals will be returned to you once the Registration team scans the records into the enrollment record. Please make sure the documents submitted are clearly identified as the original version and note very clearly that they need to be returned along with the return address.
If you mail original records or otherwise unable to provide a note with these documents that need to be returned to you, please email the Registration Office, [email protected] indicating which documents you will need returned to you and to what address.

What if I do NOT have my address verification documents, or other required documents?
You will still be able to submit the registration form. However, your form will not be complete until all required documents are submitted. A member of the Registration office will contact you. All documents can be emailed to [email protected].

What if my child attended Arlington Public Schools during the previous academic year, do I still need to complete the New Student Registration form?
Yes, according to Arlington Public school procedures, we require families to re-enroll if families have left the district and are returning in a future academic school year. Please complete a new student registration form when returning to the district.

Once you begin the form, select the student type "Registration for Student Previously Attended an Arlington School".
If I am having connectivity issues how can I be helped to fill out the form?
1. Please try to access the form on a computer/laptop that has a Chrome browser installed.
2. We recommend trying a different browser (Firefox or Safari) to see if you experience the same issues..
Please do NOT use Internet Explorer as our forms do not support this browser.
3. If this does not work, please try to access the registration form on a different device (e.g. tablet, chromebook, or on your mobile phone).
4. Check your internet connectivity.
5. Try rebooting your router/internet modem and/or calling your internet provider.
5. If you have tried all of these steps above and are still having issues, contact the Registration Office at [email protected].

I am on the form and I am having difficulties.
Throughout the form please answer all questions marked as required. District leadership has required the most important fields as the most important questions.
*Please note, you will not be able to submit your form if any required questions were not answered.
*If you are finding that you cannot submit your form, please go to the summary page (on the left hand column of the form). If you have missed any required questions the summary page will display a red circle identifying areas that were not answered. Click the red circle, to return to that page and complete the missing questions.

If you encounter any issues with required fields that prevent you from submitting the form contact [email protected].