Superintendent Homan Shares CFO Update and Announcement

This is the text of Superintendent Homan's 10/21/22 message to the APS Community.

Dear Arlington Public Schools Community,

As you may be aware, we recently conducted a thorough search for a Chief Financial Officer for the Arlington Public Schools after our current CFO, Michael Mason, was recruited to the Town to be the new Deputy Town Manager.

At the conclusion of this search, after some reflection and in partnership with the School Committee, I reached out to Mr. Mason and provided him with a counter-offer that includes a title adjustment to Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations effective January 1, 2023, which he has accepted. Last night, the School Committee voted unanimously to appoint Mr. Mason to this new role. The appointment will eliminate the CFO role and will accompany ongoing reorganization of Central Office administrative and operational functions. More information about this is below.


This was not a role I was able or willing to offer our finalists, but it is one for which I was able to recommend Mr. Mason with no hesitation. Mr. Mason already oversees many aspects of district operations and the development of implementation of several forward-thinking and equity-focused budgets during his tenure in Arlington. I am so pleased for the school system that he has decided to join us on our journey to creating a more equitable, joyful, and empowered educational community.


Why Restructure? 

The reorganization of the Central Office and appointment of two new Assistant Superintendents within a few months are significant adjustments.. For more information about these adjustments, you can see this recommendation memo that I shared with the School Committee last night. We have held many thorough searches for administrative roles, including CFO, and internal appointments are not decisions I make lightly. These decisions and the reporting structure adjustments that accompany them have been made to support and build capacity for the APS leadership team, to support staff retention and opportunities within the system for all of us to grow and learn, and to improve our competitiveness with neighboring districts -- and to do all of this with as little impact to the budget as possible. Such adjustments parallel our work creating shared leadership structures within our schools and departments, and are aligned with actions we are taking throughout the system to improve the experiences of families, students, and staff.

What's Next?

I will present to the School Committee and share with stakeholders an overview of central office changes that have already occurred, will occur during this school year, or will occur as part of our recommended FY24 budget and district-wide strategic planning. Additionally, Ms. Elmer and Mr. Mason will present and conduct entry plans this year as they develop visions for their new departments, aligned with our developing district strategic plan. These entry plans will include opportunities for community members to share their feedback as we plan for a bright future for APS.


Congratulations to Michael; we are so happy to have - and keep - you on the APS team. 


I hope you have a happy weekend,


Elizabeth C. Homan, Ph.D.

Superintendent, Arlington Public Schools