School Wellness Advisory Committee
A school wellness advisory committee is a group composed of parents, teachers, school staff, students, and/or the community. The group focuses on both the health and well-being of everyone in schools and the community. The wellness committee is also responsible for assessing the wellness policy, monitoring goals, and setting action items.
What is a Local Wellness Policy (LWP)?
A Local Wellness Policy (LWP) is a written document that helps a school district establish an environment that prioritizes student health, well-being and ability to learn. APS is a local Educational Agencies (LEA) enrolled in the National School Lunch Program and National School Breakfast Program and are therefore required by law to have a Local Wellness Policy in place.
In Massachusetts, the school wellness committee must meet at least 4 times per year (or quarterly) and meeting minutes or an agenda must be made available to the public. The committee also provides annual updates to both the superintendent and the school committee on goals and objectives for the upcoming year.
Where can I find more information?
School Wellness Advisory Council meetings are scheduled regularly. For more information or to request meeting agendas or minutes, please contact Doreen Crowe, Director of Health & Nursing Services or Denise Boucher, Director of Food Services.
SWAC Agendas, Minutes, and Additional Documents